Inclusive Practice

Inclusion is a journey not an end point. It is an uncomfortable journey that involves uncomfortable conversations and situations. It is a challenging journey which requires us to challenge ourselves and others. Until all students are attending, participating appropriately and making progress we have not reached our destination.  We are unable to confidently strive for inclusion until all parties understand what we are striving for. Our first challenge is that everyone understands what inclusion is. 

It is not about bringing the outliers to the fold, it is not about supporting students whose difficulties have already been identified. It is about everyone feeling safe enough, everyone having a sense of belonging, and everyone being motivated by the fact that their competences are recognised and valued by others.

Information & Resources for Schools

Speaking to pupils about their strengths and difficulties is a good way to start building up an understanding of a pupil's profile. At Yes@ Areté Learning Trust we can offer advice and training on effective ways to elicit appropriate pupil feedback.




If a pupil is finding learning difficult we recommend that an analysis and assessment of learning environments and teaching strategies should run alongside any child focused assessments.

'If a child does not learn in the way in which we teach, then we must teach him in the way in which he learns.' (Dr. Harry Chasty International Consultant in Learning Difficulties)

Information & Resources for Schools

Follow the link below to download PowerPoint Presentations and resources to support cascading the Neurodiversity Training throughout your setting. There are a range of resources targeted at those working with Primary, Secondary, and Post-16 learners.

Teaching for Neurodiversity - A Guide for Specific Learning Difficulties

LEANS - Learning about neurodiversity at school: LEANS is a free curriculum to introduce pupils aged 8-11 to the concept of neurodiversity, and help them explore how it impacts school experiences. It is a teacher-delivered resource for the whole class.

Funded by the DfE the ‘Neurodiversity Training’ provides tools to help identify and build pupil profiles and an overview of a pupil’s strengths and difficulties.

Salveson Mindroom Reasearch Centre: Read about Neurodiversity


Access Arrangements are adjustments for students based on evidence of need and normal way of working.

Access Arrangement Procedure

Information & Resources for Schools

Executive Function is broadly understood as an individual's mental capacity for planning, organisation, efficient decision making and action. Most definitions of Executive Function include planning, working memory, attention and inhibition within them.

1. Attention

Children with attention difficulties are easily distracted by other stimuli. Carroll et al (2017) explain that there are two key elements; selective attention which is the ability to focus on relevant information , and suistained attention, which is the ability to concentrate over time.

2. Short Term Memory

The ability to hold information for short periods of time.

3. Working Memory

The ability to process or manage information.

4. Planning

The ability to sequence activities in order to complete a task.

Information & Resources for Schools

Good mental health is characterised by a person’s ability to fulfil a number of key functions and activities, including:

  • the ability to learn
  • the ability to feel, express and manage a range of positive and negative emotions
  • the ability to form and maintain good relationships with others
  • the ability to cope with and manage change and uncertainty.

5 Steps to Mental Wellness

  1. Connect with others
  2. Be physcially active
  3. Learn new skills
  4. Give to others
  5. Pay attention to the present moment (mindfulness)

The Mental Health Foundation highlight the importance of:

  • Talking about your feelings
  • Regular exercise
  • A good diet
  • Keeping in touch with friends
  • Asking for help
  • Taking a break
  • Do something you are good at
  • Accept who you are
  • Care for others

It is acknowlegded that experiencing positive mental health and wellbeing means that students are able to make the most of their time at school, allowing them to be the best that they can be.

Information & Resources for School