
MATHS APP - Research Schools Wanted

  • Posted On: 20 December 2017
  • Author: Stefanie Cappleman
  • Number of views: 1156
MATHS APP - Research Schools Wanted

The University of Nottingham are looking for Schools interested in taking part in a trial of app-based maths learning.


“ To participate in this trial, schools are required to nominate 10 Year 1 children in need of extra help with learning maths. All the children must come from the class that was randomly chosen for participation in the project. The nominated children should be in the lower half of their class, according to the teacher's assessment. If the class has less than 17-19 children, please nominate 9 children only.


Exclusion criteria

Please do not nominate children who:


  • have a statement for Special Educational Needs
  • have difficulties understanding spoken English”


Please find below information about the project and what is involved.. You can register your interest by visiting the University's website or emailing with a completed Registration Form.

One Billion Trial Flyer

One Billion Register Your Interest Form

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