
Understanding Dyslexia

Talk offers an overview of the issues for parents, carers and professionals.

  • Posted On: 10 November 2018
  • Author: Katherine Lawson
  • Number of views: 1152
Understanding Dyslexia

Local support group DyslexiaNetwork Plus are holding a talk 'Understanding Dyslexia' for parents, carers and professionals this month to provide an introduction to identifying and supporting those with dyslexic type difficulties.

The talk which will be at Northallerton Forum on Tuesday November 20th 7 - 9 pm will be delivered by Jill Swinhoe who has worked for the British Dyslexia Association and who is a dyslexia specialist teacher and assesor.

Booking, which is essential is via email - or by telephone - 0845 22 60240. There is no charge for this event.

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