A webinar schedule has been announced by Ed. Tech company Text Help to support remote learning. Recognising that normal working environment has again suddenly changed, with more and more schools, colleges and universities being affected by COVID-19 related closures they webinars aim to minimise disruption to crucial teaching and learning time. Webinars provide support around Text Help's technology with webinars aimed at maximising use.
Within the Areté Learning Trust 'Read and Write' and 'Fluency Tutor' are two of the programmes being used to support students as they work remotely. Kath Lawson Director of Inclusive Support for YES@ Areté Learning Trust says 'Pupils and staff are seeing the benefits of the software as students use the technology to support reading and writing skills. For some students it is a key component of being able to work independently and with purpose. Any additional CPD on how to use the technology effectively is a plus.'
Further information is available on the Texthelp website