
Unlocking Autism for Parents

Free course to assist parental understanding of autism, communication and sensory needs

  • Posted On: 3 November 2021
  • Author: Stefanie Cappleman
  • Number of views: 533
Unlocking Autism for Parents

A new NYCC programme aims to support parents/carers to develop their knowledge and understanding of autism, communication and sensory needs. The programme includes a session on understanding behaviour and supporting emotional regulation, resilience and wellbeing through the use of a range of tools and strategies.

Unlocking Autism for Parents is a free course and is suitable for parents/carers of children with communication and interaction needs. No diagnosis of autism is required. 

The course consists of five sessions which either run over two full days or as five, 2-hour webinars:

1. Autism:
What to look for and how to help. Includes information on related conditions.

2. Communication:
Receptive and expressive language and how difficulties may present. Visual communication support and use of timetables and choice boards.

3. Sensory:
What drives sensory behaviour? How can we change unhelpful or dysregulating patterns. Information on sensory evaluation, sensory diets and recognising independent self-regulation.

4. Emotional regulation and resilience:
How do you keep yourself well? Thinking about your own wellbeing and resilience when living with difficult behaviour and challenges.

5. Behaviour:
What defines behaviour? How can we recognise patterns and analyse reasons by recording incidents? This session will include a task on analysing behaviour to help parents unpick and resolve difficulties.


The course will run once per half term with sessions throughout the year being available to book from Autumn term 2021.  Evening and 2 day condensed courses are also available.

Sessions will be held online using Teams and it is recommended that, if at all possible, they are accessed on a laptop or computer rather than a phone. This will provide the best experience for attendees.

It is recommended that parents/carers complete all five sessions in order to derive maximum benefit from the programme.

Places are free and there will be 50 available on each course.  Parents can book a place via the NYES booking system. Attendees will then be sent a Teams link the week before their course is due to start.

Documents to download

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