North Yorkshire are encouranging young people with an EHCP aged 16 to 24 who are looking for employment but needs further support and experience to consider a supported internship.
Supported Internships are work-based learning placements within mainstream employment settings, facilitated by the support of a job coach. Supported interns are enrolled and supported by a learning provider but spend most of their time in a workplace. The internships provide the opportunity for young people to achieve sustained, paid employment by equipping them with the skills they need for work, through learning in a workplace. The aim is to secure a job at the end of the placement, alongside building confidence, increasing health and well-being and gaining friendships and social skills. Across North Yorkshire there are currently 8 education providers who run supported internship programmes.
For more information about making the jump to a supported internship please contact your caseworker or visit the websites below.
Flying high with your future - Supported internship | North Yorkshire Council
What are Supported Internships? - NDTi