
North Yorkshire Countryside Directory for People with Disabilities

A new publication promotes access to and enjoyment of the countryside by all.

  • Posted On: 22 October 2018
  • Number of views: 1160
North Yorkshire Countryside Directory for People with Disabilities

A new directory has been launched which provides information about what opportunities are available in the countryside and promotes the benefits of getting outside.


New free resource!

Eye training to help children with dyspraxia - a new video training programme.

  • Posted On: 9 October 2018
  • Number of views: 1074

A research programme supported by The Dyspraxia Foundation is launched by the University of Exeter.

Dyslexia Awareness Week

1st - 7th October 2018 / World Dyslexia Day 4th October 2018

  • Posted On: 26 September 2018
  • Number of views: 1114
Dyslexia Awareness Week

This year’s theme of the Dyslexia Awareness Week is ‘21st Century Dyslexia’ with the overarching focus on ‘Enabling Technology (Assistive Technology)’. 

Delivering Better Outcomes

Publication of a Young Person’s guide to SEND disagreement resolution

  • Posted On: 31 August 2018
  • Number of views: 1090
Delivering Better Outcomes Following the 2017 review of disagreement resolution arrangements, the Department for Education commissioned Mott MacDonald, as part of the Delivering Better Outcomes Together (DBOT) consortium, to develop and publish a guide for young people aged 16-25 on how to resolve special educational needs and disability (SEND) disagreements. Mott MacDonald worked with a range of organisations and groups, including the young people’s group FLARE, to produce the guide.   The guide...

ASPIRE to Dance

Opportunity for those who love to dance

  • Posted On: 31 August 2018
  • Number of views: 1146
ASPIRE to Dance Young people between 6 and 12 who love learning dances,learning new dance moves and who want to improve their performance skills are invited to join ASPIRE dance group. Organised by Vic Sellers who is leading YES @ Richmond School's 'Dancing for All' the autumn term for ASPIRE starts on Sunday September 16th 10 - 12 noon. To secure your September (Autumn Term) place please contact Victoria on 07500937537 or Email her at COST is £35...

