Free therapy sessions, to adults / families in receipt of means tested welfare benefits
The Retreat Clinics are offering a limited number of places for free therapy sessions, to adults / families in receipt of means tested welfare benefits. Please be aware that this offer will be withdrawn once places are filled.
Identifying strengths and challenges for students using the Do It Profiler
The Do-IT Profiler allows Arete Learning Trust schools to use dimensional, needs led, person-centered approaches which provides a thorough understanding of students specific strengths and challenges.
FREE 4-Day Training Course
CAMHS are offering professionals who work with diagnosed or undiagnosed autistic children and young people an opportunity to sign up for a detailed block of training.
Edufuturists Uprising 2024
The Edufuturist are launching a new newsletter and are looking for contributors to inspire educators worldwide.
Free webinar: Monday 10th June 2024, 5pm - 6pm
A free webinar which encourages school staff to look after their own wellbeing is part of Studio III's ongoing webinar schedule.